Amicable Divorce

An easier, less stressful and less costly way to move on.

Divorces do not need to be hostile

A YouGov survey commission by a UK law firm of recent divorcees found that:


Described their divorce as Amicable


Described their divorce as Neutral


Described their divorce as Hostile

Common questions about amicable divorces

Do we both need separate solicitors?

 If you are both in agreement you do not need separate solicitors for an amicable divorce. It is a common misconception that both parties require independent legal advice, this would apply if there was a significant conflict of interest, typically where there is either a failure to reach an agreement or where the agreement is unfair to one party.

Can I apply for a divorce myself or do I need a solicitor?

England and Wales now have non-fault divorces. Any individual can apply to the Court, using the online service, for a divorce, you do not need to use a solicitor.  This will save you money.  However divorce can be a very stressful time and dealing with the online service can be daunting for some, therefore using a legal professional might be something to consider.

Can I draft a financial consent order myself?

 Having a jointly instructed lawyer who is experienced in acting on joint instruction can ensure consent orders are correctly drafted.  Ultimately this has the potential to speed up proceedings and reduce the risk of the Court rejecting a draft.

Speak to us to find out more


Amicable divorces facilitate future co-parenting

Whilst a marriage can be legally dissolved and finances legally separated, many couples will remain tied through their children.  Navigating co-parenting can be significantly complicated by a messy divorce. Having to face a ex, often on a weekly basis can be a  challenge however an amicable divorce can significantly ease this process.

Successful co-parenting arrangements can not only benefit parents but also the children. 

Find out more

The benefits of an amicable divorce

Less stress

Divorce can be one of the most stressful times in the life of any adult and a hostile divorce can leave emotional scars that take many years to heal.  Where children are involved this can result in lasting trauma as former partners are forced to maintain some level of contact.

However it is not just the separating parties that are emotionally impacted by divorce, children of separating partners can suffer a lifetime of emotional harm when their parents are openly hostile. Some children have exhibited similar symptoms to those suffering from PTSD.


Faster divorce

An amicable divorce can be settled in as little as 26 weeks. 

 In contrast the infamous Young vs Young divorce case took over 6 years due to a bitterly contested series of proceedings.

Less cost

Hostile divorces are costly.  The Money and Pension Service quote that average solicitor costs for initial contested financial proceedings are circa £15,000 with costs to final hearing of an additional £25,000.  In addition to these fees there will be additional costs including Barrister's fees. 

In contrast an amicable divorce can cost a fraction of this.

How we can help

Joint consultation

A joint meeting with one of our lawyers to go through your divorce, including helping to agree key areas such as child arrangements and splitting finances and assets.

Drafting a parenting agreement

We can help draft parenting plans and agreements for ongoing co-parenting.  This can include residency, schooling, university and holidays.

Drafting a financial consent order

We can help to draft a financial consent order for the court setting out what has been agreed.

Drafting pet (including livestock and horse) agreements

We understand how important pets and animals are to their owners, as a firm with significant experience working with country families. We can help draft an agreement for pets and livestock, including horses.

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